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With rising inflation, living costs, and the need for charitable support, charities must take the time to understand what motivates and prevents people from donating and how to fix it.
Download nowThis report will walk you through some of the most common reasons, or behavioural biases, as to what makes people donate to charity. You’ll gain an understanding of why it is that even those who really want to donate don’t end up doing so and how best to move them towards aligning their actions and intentions.
With this report, you’ll gain some insights into how to elevate your digital marketing strategy by understanding behavioural science concepts such as social norms messaging, loss aversion, present bias, relevance and resonance, and identifiable victim effect. We also examine the impact of the user experience and how to target paid media campaigns more effectively.
And last but not least, we stress the importance of a test-and-learn approach to maximise your effectiveness in understanding your audiences and increasing those donations.
Download now