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We are thrilled to announce that in December 2020 our CEO, Becky Simms is speaking at The Online PR show, a new conference dedicated to public relations, outreach and influencer marketing.
We are thrilled to announce that in December 2020 our CEO, Becky Simms is speaking at The Online PR show, a new conference dedicated to public relations, outreach and influencer marketing. Becky will be giving the talk 'The psychology of the journalist - creating winning pitches' an insightful talk about how to apply psychology to give the perfect pitch.
Getting your pitch right is fundamental to achieving coverage, the best story could be missed if the pitch doesn't resonate. But what does resonate with journalists? We created a personality test for journalists that has uncovered intriguing insights into their intrinsic motivations. Becky will be unveiling the results of this and sharing the recipe for the perfect pitch based on psychology.
Outcomes of Becky’s talk:
The audience will have the opportunity to gain new skills as we will be sharing the recipe on how to achieve the perfect pitch.
Becky will be revealing the results of the personality test that we created.
- About The Online PR Show -
The Online PR Show is a new conference happening the day before Brighton SEO that is dedicated to public relations, outreach and influencer marketing.
There's a fantastic range of speakers covering various topics from digital PR strategy to winning friends and influencers.
You can register for tickets here.
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