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Unlock the full potential of your data with our specialised 12-week training programme across six online sessions.
Sign upFollowing the success of our Demystifying GA4 Brunch & Learn event, this comprehensive training programme is designed for those who need deeper insights into GA4 and advanced data tools to drive their business forward. Whether you're looking to better understand your customer journeys, improve tracking, or leverage data for smarter decision-making, this course will provide the skills you need.
Whether you’re completely new to the platform or want to understand how to unlock its full potential, our bespoke course will elevate your GA4 expertise, enhance your data-driven decision-making and connect you with industry experts in a support and empowering environment.
It’s not too late to make 2025 the year for prioritising your professional development! There are only 9 spots left, so be quick!
Sign up