Wow, where have those 7 years gone?! A lot of good things have happened in that time... 

  • We built an awesome CMS platform - Scoop which now has over 100 users

  • 120 new websites were launched

  • On average we have delivered a 77% increase in organic traffic in the first 12 months of SEO for our clients

  • Our clients have seen a 112% average year-on-year increase in goal conversions

  • One of our clients received a new record conversion rate increase of 522%! 

  • For all this success, we received a whopping 18 award nominations ...

  • ...and recruited 26 team members!

Want to join in the celebration to mark our 7th birthday?  We have a great little competition for you! Feel even more like part of the Reflect Digital family with your very own ‘Face on a Mug!’ Simply tweet us, @ReflectDigital, and use the hashtag #MugOnAMug and tell us why you want your face and drinks order on a mug!
As it’s our 7th birthday we will pick 7 people with the best reasons as to why they should win their #MugOnAMug

The deadline is midnight on Friday 9th February and our winners will be announced on our Twitter page at midday on Tuesday 13th February.

On receiving the prize we would love our winners to tweet a photo of themselves with their new mug, so this competition is not for the camera shy!

We’d like to thank all of our clients for their support over the last 7 years and good luck! 


Have a project you would like to discuss?