On Wednesday 13th December Reflect Digital's Managing Director Becky Simms, was interviewed by Chris Price for the programme Chris & Co on KMTV regarding the digital skills gap. 

She was joined by Stephen Askew from the Kent steering group of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) who've warned that firms are being left behind by a digital skills shortage and productivity growth will continue to stall without government action to tackle it. 

This week the FSB released research showing a quarter of business owners in England lack confidence in their basic digital skills and more than a fifth believe a lack of those skills among staff is holding them back from increasing their online presence.

Recently the government announced that £30 million had been set aside in the Budget for digital skills distance learning courses.  However, the FSB study also showed 49% of small firms do not have a formal training plan or budget.

Becky told Chris: “We have identified the need for training as a growth area with our clients. 

“Too often we see businesses making the wrong decisions by not having the right tracking in place to properly evaluate the success of their digital campaigns.

“Without this knowledge business owners are losing out on the biggest benefit digital offers; transparency, which when achieved really can drive business growth.”


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