Flickr is quite simply a photo management application tool provided and created by Yahoo!

The main focus of Flickr is on both sharing and organising photos, images and video not just for individuals but now also for the business world.

Flickr is now being used by small businesses to reach potential customers but it is also a fantastic source for allowing people to share the images and potentially to provide a reference back to the originating website that provided the image!

When photos and albums are uploaded, an update can be sent to other social media platforms such as Facebook if desired which could send new traffic to the Flickr account that are likely to share the images. You can also add the stream of images from an album into a slideshow format to sit on your blog or website.

With the increased number of digital marketing agencies using Flickr, it is good to note that Flickr should be used as a form of traffic building and not focused solely on a form of link building.



  • It’s free! A premium account is available at $24.95 per year, which allows insights into post interactions.
  • Within the description for each image, it is a fantastic opportunity to provide a unique description to excite users to share the image, you can request that if images are shared that they provide a reference in a link format as a thank-you for the image.
  • Lots of websites support Flickr integration
  • Can increase traffic by images being shared on other websites


Potential disadvantages

  • Limited to 100mb for free per month
  • Videos for paid accounts only
  • Images can be removed if it contains ‘questionable content’ in the eyes of Flickr
  • Users can use images without permission i.e providing the link requested is in the description
  • You cannot edit comments left on your images


Who would it work for?

Flickr is ideal for small businesses that rely on imagery to sell their products and services. Images that are shot in interesting ways are more likely to be shared and liked as they entice users to want to use them on their blogs and websites.



  • Hotels – landscapes, interiors, rooms, surrounding areas, location
  • Restaurants – interiors, location, event nights
  • Event venues – interiors, event nights, celebrity appearances
  • Fashion – clothing, collections, inspiration, how to wear, as seen on….
  • Communities – local communities, councils, local attractions


Tips for setting up Flickr for businesses:

  • Use website address as your Flickr screen name (screen name will be attached to every photo uploaded and everything you do within Flickr)
  • Add a description to the business profile to describe what the business does but be sure to keep sales pitch to a minimum, keep it light and informative)
  • Use the Flickr account to advertise company products, services, etc.
  • Upload quality photos with unique and exciting titles and descriptions, avoid the hard sell
  • Add a unique and lighthearted name and description to EVERY individual image – use ‘tags’ appropriately
  • Link prominently to the Flickr account from the website
  • If possible, take part in Flickr communities and find/join appropriate groups
  • Link to Flickr images on blog posts on the website which according to Barry Schwartz can boost traffic to Flickr and increase image shares!

If you need help with your social media or would like to speak to a digital marketing agency to manage your social interaction for your business, contact Reflect Digital today!




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