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As SEO Copywriter, Ella is primarily responsible with planning and writing engaging blog content, as well as implementing on-page SEO strategies to optimise the copy on clients' websites.
Contact EllaElla discovered her passion for digital marketing in her second year of university. Her course was taken online due to the pandemic, and she started looking for employability opportunities to build her confidence and help her find a path post-graduation.
This led Ella to a work experience placement with Johnsons Marketing, which laid the foundations for what would become her key areas of interest. During the month she worked there, she was given the opportunity to write and edit copy across multiple websites, as well as work on the company’s own website and promotional materials in order to communicate their branding in a more concise and accessible way.
Ella has since accrued experience in three different companies. Written several articles, whilst undertaking an internship with Let’s Do Business Group, one of which was later re-published in Platinum Business Magazine, and built the new website for the Ongar Business Centre.
In Ella's most recent role as the Marketing and Communications Executive at start-up PerfectPays, she worked from the ground up to design business branding guidelines which would communicate the Director’s vision of the company. She also managed all business communications. While in this role, she undertook an SEO course to continue building upon her skills.
Outside of work hours, Ella volunteers with Blue & Berry Art Gallery, where she helps the Director keep the website updated and manage the social media channels to ensure the gallery’s online presence is always pitch-perfect.
We’re a performance marketing agency specialising in human behaviour insights. Our wonderful team is made up of marketing specialists who are super passionate about what they do.
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