My first week of work experience

Most people would describe the start of a new experience as ‘I didn’t know what to expect’, but it was quite the contrary for me. I came into my first week of work experience feeling more confident than ever, with excitement completely overruling my nerves. Little did I know that nerves were not at all necessary. I had seen the companies work online; their social media accounts stood out and screamed ‘uniqueness’.

On arrival, I had never felt so welcomed in my life! No matter your first impressions, your mindset is your key to being happy. Plus, who wouldn't want to come into the office and be greeted by the office dog, Harry?
It was already clear after my first day that I was going to not only learn new skills and lessons but also greatly enjoy my time here. My first day consisted of multiple productive activities, helping me quickly grasp the magic and atmosphere of the workplace. In between my assigned tasks and learning opportunities, I had good chances to work on this blog that I'm writing for you now. Bringing someone they had never met before, such as myself, into their workplace and treating me like family.


What did I like about the experience?

My undoubtedly favourite aspect was the atmosphere and welcomeness of the office. Every task I completed and every colleague I talked to helped me feel more comfortable and understand things I was struggling with. Starting something new is always nerve-racking, no matter the location or people, but feeling like you know the place before you even enter is a big help. Reflect Digital gives you a sense of warmth and familiarity.


What did I get up to?

Not at any point did I feel like I was being thrown into the deep end. Whether it was Video creation with Gary, or Data Research with Ed, I felt like I was being taught all that I wanted to learn. I completed many tasks whilst I was at Reflect Digital, such as making ‘brunch-and-learn’ boxes with Erin. I found this side of the company interesting as there is still a practical side to a digital agency. I then got to place the delivery orders for the boxes themselves. I also really enjoyed SEO in which I was able to research and implement alternative keywords to some client’s website links.


What did I take away from the experience?

I took so much away from my time with Reflect Digital—not just information but an insight into the modern, digital workplace. For an office of computers, it didn't give off an unexciting, lifeless atmosphere—in fact, anything but. It was fun, creative, and full of life. Being here for 13 days, I managed to experience as much as possible, ensuring I came away with the best attitude towards digital marketing. Undoubtedly, my favourite takeaway that I received was certainty. Digital marketing always interested me during my college course, but coming out of work experience with Reflect Digital, I am confident to say that I would love to pursue a career in digital marketing.


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