In May 2018 Reflect Digital ran our first Digital Agency Workshop for local students. 

We invited a number of students to spend an afternoon learning about the possible careers available within a Digital Marketing Agency. They had the opportunity to speak to staff and learn about what working within an Agency involves. 

Our goal was to give the students real world experience of the different career paths they may wish to take when they finish studying either at School or University and that's exactly what we achieved. 

UCA art and design student Louise was inspired by meeting the design team, she said:

"It was really useful because I got to see what it would be like to be a designer in an actual agency. Rather than just studying it at school we got to see it in context."

Having completed a week of work experience with Reflect Digital previously Sophie, a student at Maidstone Girls Grammar School, is now considering a career in SEO. She said:

"It was really good to not just see one side of the company but get an overall view of what everyone's doing."

You can listen to our full interview with the students here:

Our next Digital Agency Workshop is taking place on the 25th of July 2018.


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