As it goes, most people assume that as an intern you’ll be tasked with the tea and coffee runs and generally mundane jobs that secretly (or not so secretly) no-one else in the office wants to do themselves. Fortunately for myself, this couldn’t be further from the truth for interns at Reflect Digital. Although I’ve only been here for a short period, it has been an in-depth and insightful learning experience to date.

Every day is slightly different to the one before which is why it is so great working for an agency. One day you’ll be writing a creative piece of content for client A and the next day you’ll be scouring the internet for outreach ideas and contacts for client B. It was only last week, I was off commuting to London to sit-in on a Google Analytics training session with clients to gain a real insight into the intelligence you can draw from analysis tools. The training session went hand in hand with my online Google Analytics training which has enabled me to steam ahead and obtain my Google Analytics for Beginners certification. My next goal is Advanced Google Analytics and Ecommerce Analytics certification!                                                                                    

It was also a great opportunity to be involved in sitting-in with clients to observe business etiquette and understand how best to conduct myself with confidence in the working environment. I am sure by the end of my year placement at Reflect Digital this will be one of my most useful learning experiences in terms of discovering how to interact with individual clients, developing my confidence and interpersonal skills and how to use transferable skills in future employment practices.

I’ve also been set a number of objectives, or goals if you like, to achieve at different stages within the year. This has been a great motivator for me and a clear indicator as to how my role will adapt and change as I gain greater responsibilities within the company. For example, by the time I reach my 6 month period, I aim to become the SEO lead for one client – major responsibility and major pressure! However, I’m very much looking forward to becoming an SEO lead and understanding the step-by-step process to manage a client in SEO!

Well, that’s all from me for now, I’ll be back next month with some more interesting things i’ve learnt - I bet you can’t wait!


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