Have you ever used Google Trends to help create a marketing campaign? No? I’m not surprised.

Google Trends can often be forgotten about by digital marketers and many small business owners have never even heard of it. Yet, when used efficiently, the platform can provide useful information that can benefit avid marketers wishing to create effective marketing campaigns.

Google Trends is a platform provided by Google and hosts an array of data and statistics in real-time or within given time and date constraints. The information provided can help during the early stages of planning and creating a marketing campaign.

It enables you to source useful information that can assist in the initial marketing meetings when planning and plotting the upcoming years marketing campaigns.

Google Trends can also enable you to find out key statistics in real-time and providing you work quickly enough, you can create effective marketing campaigns that may rank in Google along with all the hype around that subject.

For example; During the World Cup, marketers could have used the platform to find out which teams were being talked about the most, which individuals were getting the most attention from the press and even down to what training they had been doing in preparation or what they have been wearing! Gareth Southgate became the face of the successful ‘Bring it home’ campaign and the #Luckywaistcoat after a social media movement created by Marks and Spencer during the World Cup hype.

Marks and Spencer capitalised on the momentum of the World Cup whilst supporting the England team at the same time. Gareth Southgate became recognised this year (2018), for wearing a waistcoat during each England match. Marks and Spencer took note of his favourite ‘lucky waistcoat’ and created a successful marketing campaign on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

The iconic fashion, homeware and food company developed 57 waistcoat styles for men at affordable prices to enable fans to feel a part of the phenomenon. The campaign saw a 35% increase in waistcoat sales for the brand, plus a surge of interest in people searching for waistcoats on the Marks and Spencer website and on Google. It also created a National Waistcoat Day in the UK on the 7th of July.


If you have been inspired by a marketing campaign you have seen or want to learn more about how you can use Google Trends to create a successful marketing campaign like Marks and Spencer, then take a look at the guide I have put together giving you tips and useful points on how to use the platform.

And best of all, it’s FREE! 


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