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On my first day in the office, I was given a tour of the place, along with Ella and Erin. The office has everything - standing desks, multiple meeting rooms and even a dog, Harry.
Everyone at the office is welcoming (they made a slide to welcome us) and they even have their faces on mugs and on the walls, which are very brightly coloured and have motivational quotes posted around the office.
The office has lots of entertainment for when you are on your break as well. They have a pool table, dartboard, a kitchen with free breakfast and drinks and a sound system, which is on throughout the day.
In the meeting, we all sat on bean bags and I learnt some stuff to help on a school project, on AI: How AI can be used in photo editing services, how it still needs a lot of work and how it can be used in businesses.
With Kiran, I learnt how the behavioural team works and how she makes people choose a curtain item over another. Also, she showed me the first meeting at ReflectDigital.
This morning Nick and I talked about graphics design on the bean bags then he showed me everything he’s been working on, like Rupert, the RD Robot and nominations the companies put for chip shop awards.
After that, I met Becky and she showed me the Values introduction presentation, in the Penguin meeting room. Family, Go for Gold and Love our Craft.
Izzy showed me what she does for SEO, she was doing redirects for websites.
After the break, Hannah T showed me what the Growth team does, and so did Ellen. I watched 2 meetings with Hannah T, one in Pigeon and the other in Panda. The meetings were about strategies to help grow websites and their analytics.
This morning, Gary showed me what he does for advertising and showed me what they do in meetings, then he gave me a task to help him with advertising for an event.
Today I shadowed Thom, the Head of Customer Experience. He showed me what he did, experiment with two different versions of a website to see which one performs best. He set me the task to find things I didn’t like about a website Reflect was working on.
Reflect Digital offers their staff a 4-day week, so on Friday, we went out to Beef Eater for Dad's birthday.
After that, I went out on a biking trail with one of my friends.
The office layout is very well thought out as there are groups of desks with people who help each other with similar tasks. They've even got treadmills which you can book for the day and they have an exercise ball that you can sit at as well to help you concentrate on work.
The office is painted pink, purple and white, they have frosted glass strips on the walls of the meeting rooms, which gives off a nice aesthetic and privacy for meetings.
In the office kitchen, they have free breakfast and drinks, although it is limited to what you can have, there is still a large selection of cereals and tea and coffee.
The office has lots of variety, you can choose to go out at lunchtime, stay at desks, play pool, table tennis or darts.
There is a good sense of friendship and welcome in the office.
At the office, I was expecting it to be very formal and quiet, but in reality, everyone was wearing casual clothes and talking as if they were friends.
I was expecting the office to look fairly bland and have basic equipment, but they have more than just basic equipment: they have entertainment, comfort and kitchen services free to use. The office also has a well-thought-out design.
Another expectation I had of the office is that it would have strict rules - like school, but they are lenient on breaks, and arrival times and they have a dog.