

In the age of modern marketing (especially digital) the metrics we track should eliminate the need for gut feel. HOWEVER, it’s noisy out there. We get that. There are SO many channels, SO many options… how do you know what is working and where to place your efforts? Our aim is to help you understand your messy middle.

With tracking set up correctly, everything from a digital perspective should be able to be tied back to a cost per lead or cost per sale. There should be varying targets for what these figures should look like. For example, brand activity will not generate the return that a sales-focused campaign will garner, but this will be accounted for in your strategy. 

When working with a new client, our process is tailored to your needs, but the below covers the type of activity we would follow.

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Before we look at any previous marketing activity, we need to understand your business. During discovery, we’ll learn how you operate, your uniques, your products or services and insight into who your ideal customers are. 

We’ll also discuss your competitors and where you believe yourself to be positioned in the marketplace. The key to success will be our understanding of your organisational goals so we can ensure the strategy aligns with these.  

Then, we’ll need to get familiar with your previous marketing activity. Your budgets, KPIs, successes, and failures. We’ll also need access to your Google Analytics and other tracking tools to complete our audit. 



Reviewing the results of our audit is integral. The tracking available will determine how detailed this audit is, however, we’ll also be able to use our own tools to determine market share for search, keyword ranking and website technical health. We’ll also need to review your personas and potentially edit or create new ones for your business to overlay across our research. 

Our superpower is understanding human behaviour, therefore understanding your audience is crucial. Once we understand your audience and the channels relevant to them, we can start to unravel your messy middle. 
Attribution is often the missing piece of the pie. This information is what ties all our activities together to outline what works best. While we wouldn’t be able to retrospectively tell you this, we can plan a strategy that ensures the correct tracking is in place to allow for clear attribution

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