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Ed's job as Data and CRO Lead is to make sure everything we do at Reflect Digital is customer-focused and data-driven and the results are measurable and insightful. He is a champion of hypothesis-led test-and-learn strategies, positively impacting the customer journey, website performance and client growth. Ed's expertise includes delivering robust reporting tools to enable the team to extract the maximum insight from the activity we run and help our clients to understand the impact we're having.
Contact EdWhat do a digital media expert, heavy-metal musician and guitar repairer have in common? Not a lot, unless you happen to be Ed. Since 2006, Ed has been working at media agencies, starting in press, radio and outdoor, before moving to the digital team a year later. Seeing the enormous potential in the measurability of digital activity, he became obsessed with understanding the numbers and making them talk. Despite a sabbatical to scratch the itch of rock stardom (that never quite happened), he's gone on to develop his skills in data analytics and likes nothing better than extracting needle-moving insights for clients.
We’re a performance marketing agency specialising in human behaviour insights. Our wonderful team is made up of marketing specialists who are super passionate about what they do.
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