5 Tips For Securing a Digital Marketing Internship

Internships are extremely beneficial since they allow you to obtain experience in the sector you want to work in while also allowing you to figure out where your passions and talents lie within the world of marketing. 

Getting an internship, especially in the digital sector, isn't always easy and can be especially daunting; here are five actions you can take to improve your chances of securing an internship.

1. Research The Company 

Although many people recommend not putting all of your eggs in one basket and sending emails to as many companies as possible, we’re here to advise otherwise. A great first step is to make a small list of companies you would like to intern with.

Now it’s time to put your investigating skills to the test and research the company. Examining their website, social media accounts, Google, the news, Linkedin, and Glassdoor for any material is valuable to explain why you want to work for them specifically. 

Not only will it demonstrate that you have gone above and beyond, but it will also assist you in determining whether the company is a good fit for you - it works both ways!

2. Tailor your CV

Companies get a lot of emails and CV’s through, so you need to make sure you stand out. Instead of cold emailing lots of companies with an untailored CV, try to narrow down your selection and create a portfolio that is tailored for that specific role at that exact company.

Try using the brand's colours and fonts throughout your CV or including a section showcasing why you want to work for that company specifically - your dedication to the application might result in an interview!

If you are applying for a creative role, it’s important that you demonstrate your skills in your CV's aesthetics and presentation. Check out Canva if you don't have much experience with software like Adobe Illustrator. There are many free templates to choose from, or alternatively get stuck in creating something from scratch!

Why Reflect Digital? - Our Digital Marketing Intern, Ellen, produced a page in her presentation deck visually explaining why she wanted to work for Reflect Digital.


3. Getting Extra Experience 

When applying for internships, you're typically in a position where you don't have any prior experience in the sector. Try taking a free digital marketing course, which usually includes a digital certificate upon completion. It will not only help you stand out from other applicants, but it will also allow you to learn more about your desired sector while also building useful skills for your internship. 

Here are some excellent free course options: 

General Courses:

SEO Courses:

Social Media Marketing Courses:

Google Digital Garage: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Course Certification

4. LinkedIn 

LinkedIn allows you to connect with other professionals. It is solely for exchanging knowledge, ideas, industry news, and job possibilities. There are 3 main ways you can utilise it whilst searching for an internship:

  • Showcasing your portfolio

The platform has the ability to make you visible to a large number of hiring managers. They’ll be able to read further into your experience, achievements and abilities, which considerably increases your prospective opportunities.

Get started today and set up a profile! Linkedin offers a basic framework for you to simply fill in the blanks.

  • Learning more about the company

If you want to learn more about a company, their Linkedin page might be an excellent place to start. You'll be able to assess their credibility and whether the organisation is a suitable fit for you by looking at their industry knowledge, company culture, current employees and HQ locations. 

  • Reaching out to professionals in the industry

Linkedin allows you to search and network with employees from specific companies or sectors. If you have a company in mind where you’d like to intern, reach out to HR (or employees in the department that you're interested in) via LinkedIn and send a copy of your resume, politely asking if they are aware of any openings, no matter how small.

5. Where To Look

Knowing where to begin your internship search might seem overwhelming, so we've put together a list of resources to help you locate your ideal position:

There are so many internship opportunities out there that don’t exist yet. If you can pitch to a company how passionate you are to work and learn from them, they could potentially consider making a role for you. If you can’t find an enquiry email address on a company website, try finding an employee on LinkedIn and ask if they can point you in the right direction.

Finally, networking is one of the most effective ways to secure an internship. Join us at the Aspirational Digital event to hear from digital marketing experts about their career paths, advice, experiences, and expertise.

Following the talks, Aspirational Digital hosts a networking session with digital experts where you can speak with marketers and inquire about internships, apprenticeships, and job opportunities! 

Book your tickets here




Ellen came to Reflect with a background in social media and eCommerce marketing, but she’s hungry to learn more. While bringing her creativity and drive to our client’s day-to-day activity, Ellen is also gaining insight into all things digital marketing. When she isn’t helping our clients push their marketing to the next level, Ellen is developing her skills and receiving training from experts across the agency.

More about Ellen

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